
Site Name
Paviland Cave (Goat's Hole)
Gower Region
South-West Gower
SS 43714 85881






Entrance Height (m)
Entrance Width (m)
Type of Cave
Archaeological, Palaeontological

The cave is only easily accessible at low tide for 6 days in the month. The cave is reached via Foxhole Slade keeping to the east side of the dry stone walling. A rough scramble is required etc etc.



Paviland is perhaps .....Sed ultrices scelerisque enim ut malesuada. Nullam viverra risus eget purus posuere, quis tincidunt sem varius. Nulla luctus posuere congue. Curabitur convallis ut libero quis tincidunt . Nullam sit amet mattis risus. Integer eleifend justo.

Paviland is perhaps .....Mauris, posuere tempus ipsum auctor id. Aenean sit amet turpis non mauris pulvinar lobortis sit amet sit amet lorem . Nunc tristique est at nibh ullamcorper, dignissim varius magna condimentum. Nam fermentum diam velit, sed viverra quam commodo in .



Human Remains, Inhumation, Flint Tools, Flint Debitage, Bone, Ivory, Ornaments, Charcoal
Time Period-Culture
Palaeolithic Upper (Aurignacian), Mesolithic
Badger - Meles meles, Brown Bear - Ursus arctos, Fox - Vulpes vulpes, Hyaena - Crocuta crocuta, Wolf - Canis lupus, Bison - Bison priscus, Irish Deer - Megaceros hibernicus, Red Deer - Cervus elaphus, Reindeer - Rangifer tarundus, Sheep - Ovis aries, Woolly Rhinoceros - R. antiquitalis, Wild Horse - Equus caballus, Wild Pig - Sus scrofa, Mammoth - Elephas primigenius, Water Vole - Arvicola amphibius



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