
Site Name
Minchin Hole
Gower Region
South Mid-Gower



8K6A1018 Minchin Hole_w.jpg

Entrance Height (m)
Entrance Width (m)
Type of Cave
Archaeological, Palaeontological



Time Period-Culture
Brown Bear - Ursus arctos, Fox - Vulpes vulpes, Hyaena - Crocuta crocuta, Lion - Panthera leo, Wolf - Canis lupus, Bison - Bison priscus, Red Deer - Cervus elaphus, Reindeer - Rangifer tarundus, Soft-nosed Rhinoceros - Rhinoceros hemitoechus, Wild Pig - Sus scrofa, Straight-tusked Elephant - Elephas antiquus, Water Vole - Arvicola amphibius


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